Saturday, March 27, 2010

May God Bless

May God Bless my mother's friend, Felicia, and her daughter, Courtney, have rented a home out in Corrington. I pray for them to have good neighbors, a good yard, and plenty of people to help them take off. I love Courtney like an older sister. She is an AMAZING role model for my younger sister and I.
May God Bless my science teacher. He is going to retire from 40 years of teaching. Mr. Watson has taught my father, uncle, and older sister. He also worked along side my uncle. He was been a great teacher and I'll miss him ALOT.
May God Bless my new neighbors. They have 2 kids, a dog, and they're really nice. They are a lot like us. They have a little bit for everything for us. A dog for Emma, 2 kids for Morgan and I, and they are similar to my parents.
These are the people that I pray God will bless.