Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cosmopolitan needs to be stopped!

I know that I'm a little early on re-posting, but this is SERIOUS! Cosmopolitan Magazine was started in the 1880's. Back then, its articles were about sewing and being a lady, 1930's, same thing. Even in the 1990's, one of the articles said "Stop chasing so he can chase you." But SOMEHOW, 2000's became the "All about sex" era. One of the articles said to "try a threesome with you, a girl, and a dude!" They say that the only way to have a man "respect" you is to do this. Honestly, if you want to have a man give you respect, DO NOT THIS!! Cosmopolitan NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!! Go to for more info!! And, Go to facebook and find the page, "Put Cosmopolitan Magazine in a Plastic Bag," and like it!! Word needs to be spread!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Catch up; Self finding: and Freshman Year!!!

I haven't updated since June, and I think that it would be a good time to give the Internet an ABBEY update:

I GOT MY BRACES OFF!!! FINALLY! World, hear me now, I AM SO HAPPY!! I can NOT stop smiling! I love my teeth! God Blessed me with a wonderful smile, I am so giddy that I can show the world!

Speaking of God... I learned a VERY important message. I just wish that it didn't take me six months to figure out! And that VERY important message is: is that, as cheesy as it is, DON'T GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE!! I learned and realized how off track I was with God. I was becoming more "Worldly" than Godly. There is a website called that I found that is just for teen girls. On that website, they do a campaign called "Me Without Makeup" You email a picture of yourself and tell what you like about yourself. I LOVE it! this truly dares many girls to go outside of their comfort zone. And MY how their inner beauty shines! For all the girls out there: NO matter any, boy, pimple, blemish, or bully... JESUS LOVES YOU!!

Finally!! My turn for high school! I am so pumped!! I have classes with a few of my friends, but at least I have lunch with my best friend! And I have many high school goals; but the most important one: be a campus missionary.

Peace and the Lord be with you!
