Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oops!... And Happy New Year!

Oops! Forgot to post about Halloween, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas! Here's a quick review(Note, Thanksgiving is a little long) : Halloween: This year for Halloween I was Batgirl. For Halloween at Dad's, his neighbor Lisa had a halloween party, which was SO much fun! The morning after, a bunch of us watched a Comedian named Dale Jones. He was HILARIOUS! Once the movie was over, we went to China One, a Chinese place in Karns. That was one of the funniest weekends EVER! Halloween Night, my mom and aunt decided to pile me, my sister, our two cousins, four of their friends, AND one of my friends in the back of her pilot!!! It was CRAZY!! But then the next day Mom and Morgan ate all of my candy :( But it was still fun! Thanksgiving: Well, this one is a sore spot.... But here it goes.... I'm going to back up a few days. The Saturday before Thanksgiving actually... On Saturday, November 19th, 2011, Thelma Olpheia Garrison Hickey went home with the Lord. I still cry when I think about her. But the more I think about her, the more I am happy for her. Here's why: She lost her parents, her sister, and her brother. Yeah that's pretty sad, HOWEVER, in 1988, she lost her only daughter to cancer. In 1991, three years before my parents got married, she lost her husband to a fatal heart attack. Since then, She has been a little "off her rocker." However, She was one of the greatest Christians I've EVER known. When I was four, She would take me to Awanna's every Wednesday night. On the plus side, we did get to see our cousins from texas :) At her burial service, I got to meet my grandmother. Well, her gravestone. After the burial service, all of the Garrisons came to the house and ate a pre thanksgiving dinner. Then Morgan and I went up to my mom's house and had Thanksgiving dinner there. I was full for three days!
Christmas: This Christmas was AWESOME!! I got clothes, shoes, a Vera Bradley handbag, The Help on BluRay, a record player, and a video camera! I was truly blessed this Christmas! I also got to see my new baby cousins, Pearson and Hudson. They are too cute! Hudson and I had "conversations" at Nana's, and I got to see my three year old cousin too. Everytime I asked her who was born Christmas day, she would scream out, "Baby Jesus!" It was too Cute! I got it on video. But I know that it is not about the gifts or which baby was the cutest. But that 2011 years ago, A babe who would help lame beggars walk and blind men see was born. ( I got that from the Muppet Christmas Carol ;)) Our savior was born on Christmas Morning. Merry Belated Christmas! As 2011 is coming to a close, I have had this blog for almost three years now. Happy New Year's everybody and good luck in 2012!