Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oops!... And Happy New Year!

Oops! Forgot to post about Halloween, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas! Here's a quick review(Note, Thanksgiving is a little long) : Halloween: This year for Halloween I was Batgirl. For Halloween at Dad's, his neighbor Lisa had a halloween party, which was SO much fun! The morning after, a bunch of us watched a Comedian named Dale Jones. He was HILARIOUS! Once the movie was over, we went to China One, a Chinese place in Karns. That was one of the funniest weekends EVER! Halloween Night, my mom and aunt decided to pile me, my sister, our two cousins, four of their friends, AND one of my friends in the back of her pilot!!! It was CRAZY!! But then the next day Mom and Morgan ate all of my candy :( But it was still fun! Thanksgiving: Well, this one is a sore spot.... But here it goes.... I'm going to back up a few days. The Saturday before Thanksgiving actually... On Saturday, November 19th, 2011, Thelma Olpheia Garrison Hickey went home with the Lord. I still cry when I think about her. But the more I think about her, the more I am happy for her. Here's why: She lost her parents, her sister, and her brother. Yeah that's pretty sad, HOWEVER, in 1988, she lost her only daughter to cancer. In 1991, three years before my parents got married, she lost her husband to a fatal heart attack. Since then, She has been a little "off her rocker." However, She was one of the greatest Christians I've EVER known. When I was four, She would take me to Awanna's every Wednesday night. On the plus side, we did get to see our cousins from texas :) At her burial service, I got to meet my grandmother. Well, her gravestone. After the burial service, all of the Garrisons came to the house and ate a pre thanksgiving dinner. Then Morgan and I went up to my mom's house and had Thanksgiving dinner there. I was full for three days!
Christmas: This Christmas was AWESOME!! I got clothes, shoes, a Vera Bradley handbag, The Help on BluRay, a record player, and a video camera! I was truly blessed this Christmas! I also got to see my new baby cousins, Pearson and Hudson. They are too cute! Hudson and I had "conversations" at Nana's, and I got to see my three year old cousin too. Everytime I asked her who was born Christmas day, she would scream out, "Baby Jesus!" It was too Cute! I got it on video. But I know that it is not about the gifts or which baby was the cutest. But that 2011 years ago, A babe who would help lame beggars walk and blind men see was born. ( I got that from the Muppet Christmas Carol ;)) Our savior was born on Christmas Morning. Merry Belated Christmas! As 2011 is coming to a close, I have had this blog for almost three years now. Happy New Year's everybody and good luck in 2012!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Two Months In, dance, and FALL BREAK!!

Well, Bloggers, I have survived two months of high school... and MY how its gone by so fast! Honestly, it feels like I'm supposed to be starting kindergarten or middle school. But not high school... I just can't believe it... But God is pulling me through it, head first, just like always. And Boy do I appreciate him for that! God has been working in my life so oh SO many ways! My God is an awesome God!! I love He pulls me through things that He wants me to do, and pulls me back from when he wants me not to do. I love that how if I have God, high school is somewhat easy.:)

Dance is going GREAT! For those who don't know, I am on my high school's dance team. :) Anyway, I love my dance girls!! God blessed me to be apart of this team, and it is an AWESOME blessing!! I love how open I can be about my faith. When we pray before dancing at football games, I always lead the prayer. But dance is an amazing sport, and I hope an pray that I can continue doing this all the way through high school and on to college and even further into the future. Last Friday was homecoming, and we had a pep rally, and a parade and we had a dance float, plus a game afterward. And we were doing some chants, (because we couldn't really dance, there wasn't enough room) it was fun. :) When we got back to the high school to get ready for the game, and I saw a very pleasant surprise: my father, whom I thought was in the western side of the country.

Finally FALL BREAK!! I can't believe that it's FINALLY here!! I have had so much fun so far!! After the game, me and my dad went to his house. Then the next day my next door neighbor were coloring and drawing pictures of what we wanted our houses to look like. And yes, we are 14 year old girls :) Then my dad and I went to one of our family friend's birthday party. We played football, catch, and ultimate frisbee. Which by the way, I scored five touchdowns in ultimate frisbee! :) Then we went to double dogs, and we went to Lisa's, my dad's next door neighbor, to watch the UT football game. :) Then today I went to get my replacement retainer. So now I decided to update Blogger. :)

Next Post: Halloween! :)

Jesus Loves you!!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cosmopolitan needs to be stopped!

I know that I'm a little early on re-posting, but this is SERIOUS! Cosmopolitan Magazine was started in the 1880's. Back then, its articles were about sewing and being a lady, 1930's, same thing. Even in the 1990's, one of the articles said "Stop chasing so he can chase you." But SOMEHOW, 2000's became the "All about sex" era. One of the articles said to "try a threesome with you, a girl, and a dude!" They say that the only way to have a man "respect" you is to do this. Honestly, if you want to have a man give you respect, DO NOT THIS!! Cosmopolitan NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!! Go to for more info!! And, Go to facebook and find the page, "Put Cosmopolitan Magazine in a Plastic Bag," and like it!! Word needs to be spread!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Catch up; Self finding: and Freshman Year!!!

I haven't updated since June, and I think that it would be a good time to give the Internet an ABBEY update:

I GOT MY BRACES OFF!!! FINALLY! World, hear me now, I AM SO HAPPY!! I can NOT stop smiling! I love my teeth! God Blessed me with a wonderful smile, I am so giddy that I can show the world!

Speaking of God... I learned a VERY important message. I just wish that it didn't take me six months to figure out! And that VERY important message is: is that, as cheesy as it is, DON'T GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE!! I learned and realized how off track I was with God. I was becoming more "Worldly" than Godly. There is a website called that I found that is just for teen girls. On that website, they do a campaign called "Me Without Makeup" You email a picture of yourself and tell what you like about yourself. I LOVE it! this truly dares many girls to go outside of their comfort zone. And MY how their inner beauty shines! For all the girls out there: NO matter any, boy, pimple, blemish, or bully... JESUS LOVES YOU!!

Finally!! My turn for high school! I am so pumped!! I have classes with a few of my friends, but at least I have lunch with my best friend! And I have many high school goals; but the most important one: be a campus missionary.

Peace and the Lord be with you!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Learning to let go...

Ugh. I think this post will be the most difficult one I have EVER wrote... But here it goes... Just two short months ago, my mom's boyfriend died. I wish that I didn't have to cry the tears. I know some people in this world- nay, in the two counties I live in- who are more cruel, heartless, selfish, and total (words I CAN'T say) that could have easily died that day. But why, why, WHY did it have to be him? Honestly, He was absolutely too kind for my family. His generosity was too great. Let me tell you something, he would give the shirt off of his own back to you. I wish he was still here. Honestly, I have been in a dark depression since he died. I couldn't go back to school for the rest of that week. I didn't want to get out of bed. I still don't. I miss our two-in-the-morning WalMart trips. I miss having Taco Bell almost every night. Most of all, I miss my life. He would go to more of my activities than my own father would. No my dad would have to work, so he has an excuse.
Back in September, Stacy said that he would video my 8Th Grade Promotion. Sadly, He died on April 5Th, 2011. My Promotion was on May 24, 2011. I couldn't stay for the reception it hurt so gosh darn bad. I went to the bathroom and cried. I called my mom to come get me. She tried to hold me, but I didn't want to be held. I wanted to suffer in the silence of my room without the humiliation of my friends seeing me cry. I miss him so much.
I used to hate him. MY parents are getting a divorce, and all of a sudden there is this guy sleeping on my mom's bed. What was I supposed to do? Be okay with it? Uh, no. I never wanted to. I did SLOWLY get close to him. But I learned that if I get to close to the edge, I WILL fall. So not going there again. I've been hurt twice too many times by men my mom has been with since I was born. This is the last time though. I will never get close to another one of my mom's boyfriends again. Okay Internet, you've heard my promise, make sure I stick to it please.
Stacy Seymour was unique. He was.... S. Smart. he was the most intellectual people I knew. T. talkative. He could ramble on for hours and hours! Ha ha. A. Awesome. I know this is a broad word, but that's just what he is. C. Crazy. Also another broad word. But as the last one, he is.
Stacy "Stac" Warren Seymour 12/14/70 - 4/5/11. You are desperately missed.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Until Tomorrow

Until tomorrow is a saying that I found in one of my books. It's saying goodbye but not forever. Just goodbye until tomorrow. I've had a lot of until tomorrows since August 2010. Here is a list of my "until tomorrows." Some Tomorrows are forever, some are just a day.
1. My parents separated- This incident has hit me the hardest in 2010. I don't even feel the same since this. But this "Until Tomorrow" is still pretty blurry. It could get better, it could get worse. But I'm not going to try and control this. If God wants it to get better/worse then so be it. So this is a "Grey Area" so to speak.
2. We get to go to Texas! This was the BEST Trip I've ever had! on Monday, December 27th, Morgan, Dad, and I packed the car and headed for the road! With a two day drive, we were in San Antonio, TX on Wednesday the 29th at about 9 p.m. And Boy did that sleep feel so good. (I'm not quite sure, but Blogger may be putting the images of the trip above. (: ) What was funny is that my two year old cousin woke up Thursday and kept saying, "Someone's Here!" or "Who's here?". Now think of a two year old girl and then you'll be laughing as much as me.
But this week was AMAZING! We got to go to the quadtriangle. I got to feed a deer. This deer kept following me around. So, I named him George. George is pretty awesome. And we got to see a male Peacock open up his feathers! It was so pretty! We also got to see the Alamo. That was breath taking. The guards wouldn't allow us to take any pictures in side though. :( We also got to see Saint Peter's Church. (I think) But the best part was when we drove down to Galveston and surprised my Uncle Josh for his 40th birthday.
Surprising Uncle Josh was so funny. He yelled so loud that probably half of the subdivision probably heard him! and what else was funny was he actually jumped over his couch (and cleared it!) and sprang into my dads arms. Then We surprised him with a 40th birthday party. that was funny. Then after that we got a tour of his school. They have four gyms! what was pretty cool was one of my other Uncles, my cousin, and I got to play Basketball in his gym. While the others went for the rest of the tour, we stayed behind and shoot some hoops. I hit 3 three pointers! But after we left we got locked in the cafeteria. Then after we went to Uncle Josh's classroom, my sister and I got two Friendswood Mustangs Basketball Tee Shirts!! But unfortunately, we had to head back home. But hey, it was good while it lasted!
3. One of my cousins passe away- This is a sore subject for me and I was really hurt by this. He was funny and a good man. Apparently, he and his wife woke up thursday morning and she went to take a shower and when she got out he was dead. But Death is only temporary. I will see him when I go to heaven.

These are my Until tomorrows. I have others, but its midnight and I'm tired. :) SO guess I should say, Until Tomorrow!