Saturday, April 6, 2013

Welcome, Little One!

Well Internet, my family gained a child Friday, March 29th. Ainsley J. Fritts was born at 9:10 that night to my aunt and uncle in San Antonio. Since little Ainsley's arrival, My nana has 7 grandchildren. 5 girls 2 boys. I am now no longer the only "A" baby or the only March baby in this family. I can't wait to meet her this summer!! Here are some pics: Here's the weird thing. Ainsley and I look a lot alike when we were born. I am on the left and Ainsley is on the right. We are all excited for this new arrival. Except one. Her big brother. He hasn't warmed up to little Ainsley yet. Lol

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Updating: Softball, Driving, and Acting. Oh My!

Dear bloggers, OOPS! I haven't been updating! I've been so busy. So here's a quick update on 2012/2013.... I've had a pretty awesome start to my sophomore year in high school. I've already gotten half of my foreign language credits, English, AND a college class under my belt (!!!!). Yeah, a college class!! I took Western Civilization. I LOVED it. And, I passed, with... (Wait for it) AN A!!!!! I have had straight A's so far this year. So basic recap of academics for my sophomore year, So far, so good!! Now, on to sports. (Yay!) I'm still on the softball team for the High school, and I'm loving every second of it. I actually had a tournament yesterday. We lost all three of our games, but I, myself as a player, did really well yesterday. I hit a base hit to center field, stole two bases, scored, and recovered the center fielder's mistakes. However, I did strike out, and I got thrown out by the short stop. But oh well. I feel like I've improved A LOT since I first started playing softball, oh way back when. Heck, I feel like I've improved since I've started playing for the high school last year! I am very grateful for all of my coaches. And I've always dreamed of going to college on a softball scholarship, and now, that feels like its starting to take place. And I'm starting to get a hope of getting on the USA softball team and go to the Olympics. I hope and pray that this happens. But hey, a girl can dream, right?? Well, my 16th birthday was 2 Wednesdays ago. And that also means that I got my driver's license two Wednesdays ago. I just chant believe it. I mean, it feels like yesterday I was six years old, and then all of a sudden, ten years flew by. Not only am I seeing the ten years fly by in myself, i.e., colleges, jobs, driving, etc; but I'm also seeing these past ten years fly by in my family. My parents, my sister, even my cousins and grandparents. I've seen people age, change, learn, and pass on. In these past ten years, I have added four cousins (with another due any day now), and lost four great grand parents and my papaw, Mike. Out of all of my grandparents, I was always closer to Mike. Even my father, who was legally no longer related to him broke down and cried in front of Morgan and I, which he NEVER does. I feel like this situation has really forced me to turn to god in this struggle. It just doesn't feel like he is gone. Mike always would sit outside and would wait on us when we got home, and I was pulling in the driveway one afternoon and I swear I almost saw him in his chair. I've had many break downs, tears, and silent blessings from god. After I'd break down and cry, I'd have this silence. And in that silence, I'd have this calm, tranquil moment where it's like god is telling me that every thing is okay. And I know it is. Also this year, I've made my official acting début. I've starred in my high schools production of Willy Wonka And the Chocolate Factory as Veruca Salt last semester. This semester, I am starring in The Wizard of Oz as the human counter part of Scare Crowe, and I am the lead for our other play, At The Bottom Of Lake Missoula. I am really enjoying this play. It is a very serious play and I'm thankful for Being able to have the lead. Well, I think that's it! I shall post more later! Adíos, amigos!!